Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Triumvirate Guild: Cool Links

Cool Links

Panumbra Links:
The Guild of the Spiff: This is the site for Panumbra's guild of the spiff. We are a guild to assist our members in any way possible. We gain pacts with Tribes and Other guilds to aid our members better.
Gobo's Homepage: Gobo's home for goblin players in the world of Panumbra, part of a role-playing page called Def_Com. Goblins if you don't join us go there.
Klank's Panumbra Webpage :Good site. Has maps (all newbies go here now!!) and a chat room.
The Forbidding: A good site with many stories about Panumbra. Contains a listing of the God's of Taera.
Official Panumbra Site: This is the place to go. Go here to play the game known as Panumbra!!
Panumbra Web Board: Go here to post coments or read tales of other adventurers. Here is where you can tell the programers what you think. They really care what you have to say.
Arkali's Almanac: Arkali's Almanac is a resource containing info about the races, skills, templates available to your character, and more!! This is much easier to read then the offical FAQ. Check this one out.
Zel&Tri's Panumbra Page: A good site. It has guid lines for making maps and other useful information. It also host the Panumbra Web Ring.
Ziko's Dragons: This is a great site!!!! If you are a dragon fanatic like I am then be sure to check this one out. Great images even better then mine! (I can't believe I just said that!!!) Go here now!!!!

Good Sites For Web Designers:
CGI Application Provider: This site is for all us Angelfire users. It provides FREE CGI serveces!!!!
Voodoo's Introduction To Javascript: This is where I learned my Javascript. That is what allowed me to make that join form.
Web Site Garage: Very cool site that will rate your site. Go here to get your page tweaked and best of all it's FREE!!!
Java Boutique: Java Java Java!!! Very good site for would be java writers. All you evey wanted to know about Java aplets.

Other Cool Sites: MTG Database: This is the place for Magic: The Gathering players. It contails a searchable database of all the cards. Also has a rules database. Check it out all you magic fanatics.
ICQ: For all of our members who have wondered why I ask for an ICQ # go here. Very good way to keep in touch.
USA Martial Arts FAQ: This is my first atempt at a web site. Check it out if your interested in the martial arts. I never quite finished it.... =)
Save the Dragons Campaign: Once many dragons roamed this world. Now very few remain. Please join in this noble cause!!!

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