Monday, October 14, 2013

Internet Archive: The History of the Guild of the Spiff

From: :

Scroll of Ancient History

Welcome to our story page. Here you can find out just how we started and this is where you will find major events shaping our guild. It will tell about our history as well as significant events in the guild.
                            1. Purpose                                                  3. Land Grant and Immortality     
                            2. The Beginning                                         4.  Miscellaneous

This guild was founded to bring this land into what it used to be. We are here to help the Taerans rebuild their world. We strive to bring Taera to what it once was, a world of beauty. The guild seeks to do this by education & assisting the inhabitants of this world. With the help of many people this dream will come true. We also like to do this with a sense of humor so we try not to take ourselves too seriously. =)
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The Beginning of the Guild of the Spiff

As told by Da Spiff

Yes, I know my name is odd. This plays a significant part in the story of our guild. Just listen to my story and you will understand my name and our guild a little better.

It all started many years ago, when I decided to leave my little, insignificant hometown and go out looking for adventure. My parents had been dead for years and years so I had nothing left there. After about a year of traveling, I met up with a fellow traveler also in search of adventure. His name was Spiff. I found that to be very odd. His name was so similar to mine, and mine was an odd name at that. We decided to travel together.

After traveling together for some time, I questioned him about his background. He said he was descended from the long lost tribe of the Spiff. This tribe used to be very prosperous and included several different races until some unknown disaster wiped almost all of them out. This seemed odd to me as the only thing I had left of my parents was a piece of paper. It read "powerful warriors" then something unreadable followed by "Tribe of the Sp" then more unreadable text. I had never found out what tribe it was so I told Spiff my story. After hearing what I had to say, Spiff concluded that I must be descended from the tribe of the Spiff due to my story and odd name. We have only met only a few other members of this ancient tribe. Perhaps there are others out there who are also descendants and don’t know about it or that we don’t know about.

We continued searching for adventure until we came upon the desolate world of Taera. After seeing the destruction and the Corrupted, we decided that this was the place we had been searching for. When we realized the amount of danger and evil lurking down in the mines of Taera, I came up with a grand idea. I suggested to Spiff, “Why don’t we open up our own guild to help our fellow adventurers? We could call it the Guild of the Spiff, and our purpose could be to promote the cause of good on the land of Taera and to restore Taera to its former glory!” He thought that was a great idea.

We started work on our guild right that minute. We allowed anybody to join as long as they agree to obey our purpose. We are in the process of getting many forms of help for our members such as free healing, maps of the mines, information, our own little guild world area, and maybe even an outlet to buy rare and useful items. If you ever see me, Da Spiff, or my friend, Spiff, wandering down in the mines of Taera feel free to ask us any questions about our guild and we will be happy to help you. If you feel you need some help in some area of the mines like a guide or healing feel free to call on us and we will be glad to help you. If anyone out there thinks they are a descendant of the long lost tribe of the Spiff, we would be very glad to hear about you and would be honored if you would join our guild.
While adventuring through the mines, we happened to meet up with another member of our tribe. He was powerful, and soon became guildmaster. Power often corrupts however. Unfortunately, he became too proud of his power. He thought he was the greatest fighter in the world. He charged down to level 6 in the mines and tried to take on the Orc Chief with no protection. You can guess what the outcome was.
Unfortunately, the guildmaster of the Spiff's untimely demise left us with no guildmaster. We searched long and hard for another powerful member of our tribe to take his place. Finally we found a perfect candidate. While passing through an Elven village, we met up with Zurim-Spiff. Instantly recognizing the mark of his name, we questioned his ancestry. He remembered little of the tribe other then the fact that he was a descendent of one of it's Arch-Mages.
He realized that this was his chance to accomplish many great things, and so we convinced him to become our Guildmaster. He is very powerful, having much arcane knowledge. The guild is currently going through many changes. We have just recently re-opened our joining for new people. If you would like to join us in our adventuring on Taera feel free to fill out our join form.
Our guild has recently been blessed with our own land area. Read about how it came into being below. Our members will get access to this area. It will be used as a meeting area, or just a place for our members to hang out. We want our members to enjoy this area so if you have suggestions on how we can improve it please let us know.
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How our head guildmaster became immortal as well as how our guild gained it's own land area.
    The extremely powerful and very evil Minos, the master Minotaur Axeman should be well-known to most adventurers. Rumors started to abound that he was lurking somewhere in the Chaotic realms of Tarea. It was said that he was doing all he could to destroy anyone or anything that even ventured near his lair. Many experienced adventurers set off to find this evil fiend, but none ever returned. It was then that Zurim realized that something needed to be done. He organized a party of some of the most powerful people around to quest for Minos' destruction. Zurim-Spiff, Zak-Cla-Doak, Jesse Hall, Blackout, and Kal-Ja-Maok all joined together to fight against this ancient evil known as Minos. They found the hidden Caves of Chaos where the Minotaur lurked and they struggled to find the way through them. Eventually a way was found and Minos' location was revealed. Realizing that none of them could defeat him alone, they met up in his antechamber. After getting psyched for the big battle they all charged. Unfortunately too late for Kal-Ja-Maok, they all realized that he was wearing the fabled Darkstone armor which protected from nearly all magic. Kal let loose a powerful Volcano but it didn't even faze Minos who executed him in one hit. Zurim tried an Electrical Storm but it just bounced off his powerful armor. Jesse Hall went for a different approach. After a few failed Ice Storm attempts he Magnetized Minos and pulled out his sword. Everyone's courage was renewed after Jesse's sword cut through Minos' armor and did some damage. Thinking fast and seeing the gash in Minos' armor Jesse let loose with a Meteor Swarm for all he was worth. The Swarm flew through the gap in Minos' armor doing tremendous damage. When the smoke cleared, Minos the Master Axeman lay dead. The four remaining adventurers went wild with celebration. They had slain the ancient evil known as Minos. For this amazing feat the gods rewarded Kal-Ja-Maok with immortality for his sacrifice. Our Head Guildmaster Zurim-Spiff also became immortal as well as Blackout. Jesse Hall received some land for his trading post area. Graciously he has shared a portion of that land with our guild. With this land we have created the Spiff Guild area. Members can go there to meet, get good items, or just train. It is grand to have our own land area. Thanks Jesse Hall! This is a grand achievement in the history of our guild.
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These are stories that are significant in the guild. We know little about our history at this point because of the terrible disaster that nearly wiped out our tribe. We hope to uncover more information in time and it will be added as we learn it. As significant events occur they also will be added here.
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