Friday, October 11, 2013

Internet Archive Circa June 1998: Plans for Panumbra Full Release

From: :

                                                                        Full Release

The first release will be pretty basic, but it will have all basic features an RPG should have.  The first release serves as the BASIS for all future expansions, NOT a final release!

For the request of our players, we will make an interim release between version 2 and 3.  Some features listed here will be partially implemented in version 2.1.

More of everything!

More and larger areas to explore.  You will be able to venture out onto the surface, go into forests, fields and cities.  You will find a lot more monsters, more races are available for your characters, more skills can be learned, and so on - you get more of everything!

More and better items

The items which are added in version 2.1 will get more sophisticated.  You will have weapons, tools, armor, potions, bags, jewelry, of all kinds and materials, some with hidden abilities.  They can vastly expand your range of skills, or make existing skills more powerful.  You can also buy and sell them in shops, or trade them with others.  Get the best out of your character by giving him/her powerful items!

Enter cities

Get back to civilization after an exhausting day of dungeon-crawling.  Go to stores and inns, taverns, or to the blacksmith.

Buy and sell items in stores

A wide variety of stores, each with a different selection of items and different prices, awaits you!  Go to a general store to find a little of everything, but nothing really great.  Or go to the armory, the wizard shop, the alchemist, or other special shops, for specialty items.  If you are good at bargaining, you can get good prices anywhere!  You can also sell items you don’t need or want, for better prices.

Trade items with other users

You can buy and sell items with other users, or just give them to your friends for free.  If your bargaining is good, you can get good profits!

Buy and sell services

You can repair others’ items, or heal them, for money.  You can also go to a city and pay for those same services at a Blacksmith, or an Inn or Temple.

Get relief

Go to an Inn and get restored to full health and vigor for money!  Or buy potions to restore hit points, mana or stamina.  Use various healing skills and find items which can heal you.  Or, just take a rest and restore yourself the natural way.   Restoration in this version is much more sophisticated than in the demo.

Experience life after death

Do you believe in life after death?  In Panumbra, it’s not a belief, but a reality.  When the nasty beasts kill you, you will be banished to Limbo.   Explore it, walk around, and you can find a way out.  But even so, death is always hard.  You may be weakened in your permanent statistics, or might lose some less important items.  But you WILL still live! Always look on the bright side of death...

Summon monsters

Summon creatures to help you!  They will happily follow you around and fight your enemies for you.  And since they’re under your control, they never attack your friends!


Now you can teleport to named locations, if you know the right skills.  Be sure to remember the names of cities, you never know when you might need (or want) to be there, Right Now!

Configure your actions

Frustrated about loosing all your client/skill configurations in the demo?  In the full version, all your button configurations will be saved with your character.  You can also filter the events and text messages you want to be displayed.  So in a middle of a crowded area, you can turn off proximity area messages to look at only what your party is doing (and what is being done to them), or even party messages to only see what you’re doing (and what is being done to you).

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