Monday, October 14, 2013

Ranks and Promotions in the Guild of the Spiff

Promotion Information.
It seems as if few people understand our system of ranks in the guild so this document will attempt to explain them a little better as well as give members and idea of how to get promoted.
Rank 0              Rank 1
Rank 2              Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 0
This rank really is no rank at all. (hence the 0)  People at this rank are not considered to be members yet.  They are considered petitioners.  The reason for this is that during version 2.0 many people joined the guild and then were never heard from again.  Now at least it takes some effort to get accepted.
To Get Promoted:  All it takes is a simple effort on the petitioners part.  If they see a guildmaster in the game all they have to do is request to be accepted as a member.  The guildmaster will then give them a little quiz (nothing hard) just to see if they have actually been looking at the page.  If they pass they are accepted as a new member (Rank 1).  If you never see the guildmasters in the game and still want to be accepted as a member you can be accepted other ways.  You can e-mail the guild to request to be accepted or you can ICQ me (Erinthios) if you have access to ICQ.  If you have questions contact the guildmasters at the above e-mail address.
To the Top.
Rank 1
This rank is our newly accepted members.  They haven't had a chance to move up in the guild yet but they have proven themselves worthy to be accepted as a member.  Members at this rank have the right to vote (or will when we get our voting script up again) and have a few other benefits that non-members are unable to claim.
To Get Promoted:  This requires a little more work then the above.  The key is participation in the guild.  If you contact the guildmasters with suggestions and help out with guild events or maps/docs you will most likely move up.  If you just sit around and never do anything to help out the guild or do anything important you will never move up.  If you are deemed to be an active member you will be promoted to rank 2 (Normal Members).
To the Top.
Rank 2
This rank is for our normal members.  Most members will probably fit in at this rank.  Members at this rank have shown that they are willing to participate in the guild and have proven their worth as Spiff Guild members.  Their vote on issues will most likely be held in higher regard then those of rank one because they have proven themselves to have an interest in the guild.  Because of their participation, members at this rank have access to more Spiff Guild benefits.  They will receive a Bracelet of the Spiff which allows access to the Spiff Area and will have access to maps and other things which have been decided to be limited to members of the Guild.
To Get Promoted:  To be promoted to Rank 3 (High Members) a lot will be required out of a member.  Only those who are an active voice in the game as well as in the Guild will be promoted to a Rank of 3.  Ways to show your worthiness of attaining this rank can be by actively attempting to help the guild.   This can be done by helping us make our maps and write our documents or in other ways.   Helping the guild by taking on quests for the guild or securing knowledge for the guild can also count toward this end.  Active Participation is the key.  It is an honor to be promoted to this high rank in the Guild as most members probably will not make it this high.
To the Top.
Rank 3
These are our high-ranked members.  They will have access to all guild benefits and knowledge.  Their advice will be taken very seriously and a conscious effort will be made to implement their ideas.  This is because they have worked hard to achieve their rank and so we value their input and ideas.  Members at this rank will be expected to share their advice on Guild matters and will be expected to promote the guild by their actions.  Members who achieve this rank and act unworthy of it will be demoted back to rank 2.
To Get Promoted:  There really is no way to be promoted above this rank as the only people higher are the Guildmasters.  Perhaps when the game is greatly expanded we will promote other guildmasters to help us deal with things, but at this point it is not necessary.
To the Top.
Rank 4 (Guildmasters)
These are the Guildmasters of the guild.  They are responsible for guild upkeep and for making Guild decisions.  Currently only Erinthios is a Guildmaster, and is responsible for any and all Guild needs, from updating the web site to keeping maps current.  Guildmasters have access to all of the guild information and benefits of course and make the ultimate decisions on important guild matters.
Have more questions?  Contact us at

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