Saturday, October 12, 2013

Friends & Allies of the Guild of the Spiff

Our Allies

This is our page for posting allies. We will consider allying to any worthy association, and if you wish to ally with us, e-mail us at

Our Allies

Unfortunately we no longer have any allies. The Maok has both betrayed our alliance and our trust by the actions of their leaders so we now will be very careful to ensure that any future alliances will be upheld by both parties.

Former Allies

-Maok: The Maok was once our most powerful and helpful ally. Then one day everything seemed to change. We decided to map the Caves of Chaos to uphold our standards of knowledge. The leaders of the Maok were not pleased. They became angry at us over the issue. They took our words and twisted them beyond recognition. They then accused us of lying. We know these accusations are false. It was the representatives of Maok who misinterpreted our words and twisted them to their liking to make themselves look good. The Maok claim to follow Luthor but it appears that Nexus had infected their organization. We feel terrible that the power of Nexus could come in and corrupt the Maok who were once so strong in their beliefs. We know some of the Maok have avoided this horrible corruption and we still look upon these as brothers. We hope that yet even now, the souls of the corrupted Maok may yet be saved from the darkness of Nexus waiting to claim them.  We say that the corruption of Nexus has occurred because what else but the influence of the god of corruption could come in and destroy the once powerful bond between the Guild of the Spiff and the Maok?  We have no other explanations for this.

-Ave: The Ave tribe was a powerful group of elves at one time. But suddenly one day they all disappeared. One day they were here, the next they were gone. We were saddened by this loss. We quest to find what evil has destroyed their once thriving tribe so that we may protect others from this horrible evil. Or perhaps they were simply called away to another plane without warning. We hope this is the case so that someday we may find our Ave brothers again in this world. If not, good luck to you wherever you are!

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