Thursday, October 10, 2013

Internet Archive Circa June 1998: Screenshots

From: :


The main game play screen will show a first person view of the game world of Panumbra.  When you encounter monsters, they will show up in the graphical view as icons.  Text messaging is integrated with the screen.

Demo screenshots:
thumbnail screenshot with rat.gif (4777 bytes)thumbnail torch and fountain.gif (4309 bytes)Thumbnal screenshot event and msging.gif (4141 bytes)
You face two fierce ratsWhen you are hurt, find a fountain!Long hallways are a good opportunity for a little chat
Note: if your browser messes up the colors after you looked at the pictures, just reload the page and it will go away.

Look at this cave screenshot from version 2.1 (coming soon!):
Thumbnail cave1.GIF (4128 bytes)
There are several ways of doing almost anything.  You can use skill buttons to use skills, or select them from a list.  You can do everything with the mouse, or with the keyboard.   You can have several windows up at the same time.   All windows are sizable.

In Panumbra, you cannot cheat by hacking the client.   All game data is kept and processed on the server - the client simply transmits commands and information between you, the player, and the game server.

Since Java is not the fastest technology out there, the interface does not have any animation or sounds.  Monsters are displayed as cartoon-like icons rather than moving entities in the world.  We made a conscious decision not to go for the fancy graphics, but for a more in-depth gameplay.  Although it is not animated, Panumbra still looks good thanks to the quality artwork by Chris, our awesome artist. 

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