Sunday, October 6, 2013

Internet Archive: Shareplay Front Page News October 1999

From: :

August 6, 1999

The biggest news since the latest update are the two new arrivals at Manton Communications: Zeus and Reka. Zeus is our new huge server that hosts Space Merchant.  Reka Manton is the baby of Marta and Jonathan :). Reka is the reason this page has not been updated for a while, sorry folks, babies take a lot of time :)

Thanks to Zeus, both Space Merchant and Monarchy has been moved to a faster server.  Braggart's Hall remained on the old Monarchy server alone.  All of them are much faster now.

Speef went into a groove and have rewritten almost all of the Space Merchant code.  What that means to players: higher performance, very few errors, lot of small game problems fixed.  Game play has also changed in many ways, for example, the ships have been completely redesigned, and games with different speeds have been introduced.

Open beta for M.A.C.E. is promised by Dustin every time I ask him... but not ready yet.  I am not sure when it starts, please don't send me mails. If you are signed up for our newsletter, you will be notified when open beta starts.

We are currently working on a new SharePlay technical architecture and a new web site. (Yes, we finally got a graphic designer.)   The new architecture will feature a single login to all of our games, and will be online sometime before the end of the year. Development of The Magellan Conflict will be restarted soon as the first game based on this new architecture.

The Space Merchants book!
SharePlay Store special offering: get theThe Space Merchants book!

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