Friday, October 11, 2013

Internet Archive Circa June 1998: Changes with Panumbra Version 2.1

From: :

                          Changes between version 2.0 and 2.1

I am sure all of you who have been playing the game by far are eager to know what changes are to be expected in version 2.1.  So here you go!

We divided this page into two parts.  The first one deals with feature changes - things which work differently, the second with game world data.  The distinction is also necessary because the first part was written by me (Marta) and the second part by Brian...
Things which work differentlyNew game world elements

The items you find may enhance your existing skills or abilities, or give you new ones.   If you find an item which has an ability you already have, your and the items abilities are added up.  Your current weapon skills (e.g. Sword, Bow) will require an item to use, but your skill levels are not wasted since they are added to the item's skill level (e.g. if you have level 5 sword skill and no sword, you cannot use it at all, but if you find a level 2 Sword, you will have a level 7 Sword skill).
Items will have charges.  The charges are used in two ways: if you already have the skill which is in the item, the character will use its own mana and stamina until he/she runs out, but if the item has charges, he can start using the charges in the item.   Charges are used automatically if the character does not have the skill in the item.
Items can be damaged, and some skills/spells which are directed to the character may damage some of its items.  Such skills are Acid and Fire skills.
In this version no items will have any value, and you cannot sell or buy them.  No gold.
Area effects

Skills which are supposed to hit several creatures (e.g. Meteor Sworm, Acid Rain) will be able to! In addition, you get experience for every single critter you hit with them... of course the base experience will go down.

Gone are the days of getting 7 levels for one hit... the bonuses for hitting higher level creatures will go down a lot. You will get only 25% experience bonus for every 10 level of difference, and the same amount will be subtracted for creatures weaker than you.   We made the experience bonus formula the same for creatures above or below you.
The experience you get will depend on what type of monster you hit.  An earth elemental, for instance, may give you 5 times more experience than a rat.
Healing and stoneskining monsters will be enabled again, but if you do it, you will lose experience points (but not experience levels).
You will make skill levels slower, ie. you get less skill points when you make an experience level.
Parties now will share part of their experience (10 to 20%).  Parties of 3 or more members will gain more experience in total than if they would be fighting alone.
Text messaging

You will be able to create channels, join them, subscribe and unsubsribe from any channels. The four system channels - all, proximity, party and newbie - will remain.
You will be able to send messages to several people at the same time
You can type in commands at the text messaging line.

You will lose your items which you are NOT wearing, ie. the ones in your bags.  You should always wear your most precious items!
Natural Healing

Every hurt character and monster will heal 1 hitpoint, mana and stamina periodically.
Using old characters in the new version

There will be no character wipes or adjustments.  You can keep your skill levels, but expect that they will gain new skill levels slower, just as anybody else.
You will be able to select starting items for your character first time you play them.   Make sure to pick weapons for your high level weapon skills, since you will not be able to use them withouth an item in this version!
Some old skills will require items to be used (e.g. sword). But your skill levels are not wasted. Their levels will be added to the item's skill level, once you have one.
New and changed game world elements:New features
Items! As promised, items are in the game. This means weapons, armor, rings, and other things. Find them in treasure chests all around the Mines and Caves, or when dead monsters drop them. Most important, find and carry potions with you to replenish your vital energies, because...
Most of the fountains are gone now! There are a few around, still, but only a few, and they tend to be very well hidden and/or guarded. Carry lots of potions with you...
If you get your items damaged or depleted, get them repaired at the Anvil of Power, or recharged at the Crystal of Power.  If you are lucky enough you may run accross the Forge of Power which does both, to all of your items.
Caves. Those of you bored with wandering around the same old mine tunnels now have new areas to explore. There are five new caves to enter and fight Nasty Things in. The old Mine levels are still there, with much the same layout, for players who would rather stay in familiar territory.  Check out the new cave screenshot!
New monsters. The most different new additions are Fire Elementals and Cave Drakes, but both of these species are lurking in far-off corners of the winding caverns, so don't expect to find them easily! Other new beasts include new types of slimes and snakes, and several new "unique" monsters (like the Orc Chief and High Shaman in version 2.0).
"Guardian" monsters which block your movement, so you must kill them to get into the places they are guarding. Many guard treasures, but some just guard areas. These are likely to add a whole new level of difficulty to the game, as you won't be able to run past all the monsters any more.
Skill requirements for all second and third level skills have been tripled!  It will be a lot harder to get higher level skills.
New skills. Three are item-related, Repair, Recharge, and Heat Metal. The others are spells which allow you to resist or eliminate damage of a particular kind, Fire, Cold, Acid, or Lightning. A new weapon type, the Staff, has skills associated with it just like the other four weapon types do. And finally, two new skills are associated with the...
New races! Now you can play as a mighty Minotaur or a lithe Tabaxi in addition to the old six. These two new races bring special new game mechanics to the scene, the most obvious of which are their natural weapons. Minotaurs can Gore opponents with the Horns on their heads, and Tabaxi can slash enemies with their retractable Claws. Some odd items may give characters of other races the ability to use Horns or Claws, but only the Minotaurs and Tabaxi have them naturally.
New templates. With new races and new skills naturally come new ways of playing the game. Artificers concentrate their training on affecting items, and are the only template that naturally gets the three new item skills. Abjurers are spellcasters who concentrate their powers on defense and protection. They may not have much in the way of attacks, but good luck trying to hurt them! And of course, the new weapon type has its own specialists, the Staffmasters, who learn the ways of fighting with the Staff.

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