Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Klank's Panumbra Fansite is Still Around


Welcome o'mighty warrior to the shadows and caverns of Panumbra.

This site shutting down.

Talking to Klank, we agreeded to shut this site down. Please wait for a formal mesage from him, farewell.

some bad news.

I can not log into the Panumbra newletter server, so it has to be shut down. Also I talked to Da Spiff, the map-maker of the Spiff Guild, and I can no longer post their maps on this site. Also Klank, if your reading this, give me an e-mail.

New Panumbra Newsletter and Level 6 Map

In order for us all to keep track of what happens in Panumbra Klank's page now has a Newletter that will be sent out regularly. To sign up for this great service, click here! To get the level 6 map click on the Map button at the bottom of this page.

Transation with Guild complete

This is the first update since this page is being updated by Zurim (Spiff Guild). I have talked to Klank and this page will have some new suprizes to make this site the best. Also it will have guidlines to making maps so they will all look nice and readable. Expect the pages transition somethime this week. Check out the maps page right now to get the level 5 map. Level 6 and the caverns are coming soon.

Klank to release special deal with Guild

Well, it looks like the maps (and the page) here will be updated much more regularly starting soon. I am just now finishing a deal with the Guild of the Spiff for them to begin updating this page with more maps and a better standardized format! Wohoo! Be on the lookout as changes are coming soon.

Click here for Klank's Panumbra Java Chat. Here you can chat to other Panumbra players, me (oh wow!) and anybody else that wants to hang out there. Perhaps we can even arrange times for us all to get together and chat.

A link to the Panumbra web page:

Email Klank at

Email Zurim at

[Look, It's Links] - [View The Skills] - [monsters] - [Get The Maps] - [Play Panumbra!]

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 This Panumbra Web Ring site is owned by Klank.

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