Thursday, September 26, 2013

Internet Archive: Zel & Tri's Panumbra Fansite: Zel's Map Making Tips


Map Making Tips
    Zel: Hello there you person you. So you want to become a mapper huh? It's not as easy as it sounds you know. You have to be able to kill monsters wile not even looking, and you can't take a break without marking where you left off or hours of work could be lost if you forget where you are. But I'm shure you can handle all that Right?

    First off you need tools :

    • Graph Paper

    • Some Sharp Penciles

    • Some Shap Colored Penciles

    • Most Imporent of All, A Big Block of Free Time
    Next you need to know how to map.

    Start at a door you have just walked thru, on the graph paper darken the lines where there are walls. For the door just mark it as a wall but make a note that it is a door, I just put a "D" on it. Be shure to also mark where all doors go to. Now do this for the mine, don't that sound fun? You will run into spots where it looks like a hall way fell in on it's self, just mark them as walls but be shure to note that they are not just walls. I put a "W" on them to mark wreckge.
    Now you need a way to find the right fountain when your running low right? This is where the colored penciles come in. When your at a fountain you need to mark it so you can find it later. The best way to do that I have found is to make a little swirly spot in the square wher the fountain is. As for what color to use thats easy:

    • Red for life

    • Blue for mana

    • yellow for stamina

    Just like on the small bars that tell you how much you have left.

    For a fountain of youth witch gives you all three you may just want to put a small bar of each color in the square letting you know that it is a good place to log out.

    All that will get you a good map, but you want a great map right? Ok just one more little tip to help, but thats it. If you spend a lot of time in the mines you start to see some places where there seem to always be monsters, these are monster regenerate points. It's a good bet that the same monster will be there just about every time you go and you can put this knolage to work for you. Say your low on every thing and can't even beat a spider, having marked where the monsters are can help you get around them, I like to mark monster regenerate points with a green swirl. On the other hand say you want to get some more levels, and who dosen't right? If you know where the good fights are it will be a lot easyer to get levels won't it?

    Well thats all for now, but you know what? After working so hard on these maps you may still get lost every now and then, so it might not be such a bad idea to know your way around the mines by heart. Then if you do get lost you can work your way to a place you can find on a map.
    Good hunting, see you in the mines.

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