Thursday, September 26, 2013

Internet Archive: Zel & Tri's Panumbra Fansite: Tri's Newbie Help Page



Newbie Help Page
    Tri: Ok newbies to the game, need help? Thats why I'm here, I live to help people. Lets get started shal we? =)

    First thing you should do is look over the whole Panumbra web page, but you don't want to do you? You lazy butt. Ok I'll help you get started.

    First you need a character to play as, like me =), so make one. First time? Click the "New User" button, and just fill out the stuff it wants your login name and password. Thats your account. Do not forget your password! If you have a user name and password already then just put it in. For you newbies when making your character rember "what you do is not as important as who you are." What that means is your race is more important then your job, at leats in the mines it is, to find out more about making characters and races and stuff go to Arkali's Page.

    Now then, in the mines you will have to fight like it or not. To do so just press the skill buttens on the lower left of the game, there set up for you already.
    After a few fights you will more than likely be hurt, bad, and you will need a boost in you life. Just head over to the next fountain of life and take a sip, sound easy? Well it is if you know where they are but if your new you don't, and you need help and I might not be there to save you. Don't wory about it there are lots of us who love to help save you new people, gives us a quick ego boost.

    Tracking is a fun and easy way to get around, and most of us don't mind some one tagging along. Infact some of us prefer to be in groups, like me & Zel. To track some one just highlight their name in the chars tab and click "track" now you are falowing them. If you do track some one don't move, they will do the moving for you and if you get out of the groupe you may get lost. If you see me & Zel in the mines and want to tag along go right ahead, it may be a little dull tho cuz Zel is always mapping out everything and take a long time to go to new places.

    You still need help? Well if I'm on just ask me for help. How do you know if I'm on without just yelling? Click "Info", It's up in the very top, theres only one thing to pick so it wont be hard to find the "all characters" spot. It will pop up a little screen that tells you who on, so you can see if your friends are on or if there is anyone to help you.

    Thats it for now, but I hpoe there will be more soon. If you need or want any more help on the game feel free to email me. Please note that I am just a player like you and may not know everything you need.

    After awile you may want to start mapping out the mines, well thats Zel's thing and I don't know much about that so go see him about how to make maps.

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