Thursday, September 26, 2013

Internet Archive: Zel & Tri's Panumbra Fansite: Panumbra Links Page



Panumbra Links Page
    Zel: Ha, Tri can't just go and update the page whenever he wants. Here are some Panumbra Links to go to.

    The Official Panumbra Home Page: What can I say, This place has everything you could ever want to know about Panumbra. The story they have for the game is great.

    Arkali's guide to Panumbra: This is a great page you must go, NOW! And sign the guestbook wile you are there.

    Klank's Panumbra page: This is a good page too. He has some good maps for al you lazy people who don't have the time to make one, yeah right don't got the time.

    Panumbra Web Ring Home Page: This is where you go if you have made a Panumbra page and want people to see it.

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