Monday, September 30, 2013

Panumbra Recent News & Changes


Recent News

This page should contain the latest events concerning the server or any bugs affecting players.  You may also check the Webboard for more up-to-date information, under the "Development News" conference.

2/1 Sunday

The web site will be down on Sunday between 8:00 am and 11:00 due to routine maintenance on the web host of our ISP.  Our servers will be up; but you can only access them if you access the server directly (bookmark the page which loads the client),  not through the web site.  The webboard server is accessible if you type, but not through the web site.

1/31 Saturday

The server crashed sometime early in the day and has been restarted at 3:45 in the afternoon.  We also restarted later in the afternoon twice.  These errors are due to the lock-up problems which seem to persist.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

1/30 Friday

We repeated the exercise to try to crash the server this afternoon between 1:00 and 4:00 pm CST.  We found and fixed one more lock-up error.  There is also a new error found, but the lock-ups, at least the most common ones, seem to have been cleared.  If more lock-ups happen on the weekend, we may have to repeat the server killing sessions next week during working hours.  We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

1/29 Thursday

The server went down at around 10:00 pm, and got back only when we restarted it the next day.  We apologize for this; but normally we do not have support outside of normal working hours.
Thursday afternoon the development team was trying to crash the server in order to reproduce and fix the bugs which cause character lock-ups.  We successfully found two bugs, but during the afternoon the server was slow due to debugging and restarted several times.  Characters played during that time were not saved.

1/28 Wednesday

We released fixes and changes to the bugs and problems in gaining experience levels.  The bug which allowed some characters to have an unfair advantage has been fixed, and the characters that used those bugs have been edited to reduce their levels.

1/27 Tuesday

We released a new version of the database which contained all currently available world areas, including Mines Level 4, 5 and 6, with high level monsters.   There were also changes to Mines Level 2 in order to establish a more gradual increase in difficulty towards deeper levels of the mines.
We also released a new version of the server which contained fixes to the memory leak errors that cause the server to crash after a while.  The fixes increased server stability, and performance as well.  However, the number of character lock-up errors increased due to the server running faster than before.

1/24 Saturday

The server was down between about 10:00 am and 4:30 pm CST.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

1/23/1998, Friday

Yesterday our ISP (Internet Service Provider) went down at about 6:30 pm CST, and we were cut off from the Internet until at least midnight.  Both the demo servers and the Webboard server were unavailable, and we could not get out of the office to even edit the web page.  The connection has been restored sometime early this morning.  We are now looking into signing up another ISP as well in case one of them goes down. 

The same day, 1/22/98, we migrated a wrong version of the database during maintenance.  That caused new characters starting in a part of the world which we normally use for testing, and contains really nasty monsters.  The problem has been corrected and all characters created in the wrong place were moved to the normal starting spot, the fountain of youth at the Mine Entrance. We apologize for the mistake.

Today we released a new client version which assigns your skills automatically when you enter.  You only have to do skill assignment if you want to change the default, or if you have more than eight skills.  This change should eliminate a big problem for newbies.

We also changed how much experience you earn.  You will get gradually less experience for fighting monsters lower levels than you, but that only starts to kick in if the monster is at least 10 levels below you.  On the other side, you get significant experience bonuses for hitting monsters which are above your experience level.

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