Sunday, September 29, 2013

Shareplay Newsletter #12 August 18th 1999

Shareplay Newsletter
No. 12, August 18, 1999, Wednesday

Dear SharePlay Newsletter Readers,

In this newsletter, you can read about:

1. First SharePlay sponsorship
2. New arrivals at SharePlay
3. Panumbra news
4. Space Merchant is coming out of beta
5. MACE and Magellan update
6. SharePlay plans

1. First SharePlay sponsorship

We received our first sponsorship!  Please help us provide you with great
free games by filling out the survey below.  Thank you for your support.

======== Message from our sponsor =======================
PC Gamers: We want your opinions!
Click below to take an online survey and be entered in a contest to win $50!

We want to improve your online and offline gaming experiences. The results
from this questionnaire will help us develop tools that will make your
gaming experience more exciting and enjoyable. (The information from the
survey will be private and secure and will not be sold.)
============== End sponsor message ======================

2. New arrivals at SharePlay

Since our last newsletter, two new arrivals have changed things at
SharePlay.  One of them is our new powerful server.  Both Space Merchant and
Monarchy have been moved to new servers.  Braggart’s Hall is on its own
separate server as well.  All of them run significantly faster.

The other new arrival is our baby - Reka Gabriella Manton was born on May
20, 1999.  I am on maternity leave, that is why this newsletter is so late.

3. Panumbra news

The 4th Panumbra quest is still going on.  Brian has filled the Layer of the
Earthlords with nasty Earth Elementals, tricky puzzles and a few other
surprises, so nasty that no one has solved the quest yet.  So you can still
join!  Read details on the webboard:

4. Space Merchant is coming out of beta

Speef went into a groove and rewrote almost the complete Space Merchant
code.  The result: a much more stable and faster server.  He also fixed a
lot of combat errors, and made significant changes to game play based on
user feedback, most of them to improve combat and the interface.

The ships have been completely redesigned.  Thanks to Hillsfar and
Formalhaut for their help.

We introduced veteran games in addition to the newbie games.  We can also
make faster and slower games, where turn generation is at different speeds.

Speef is currently working on port and force combat.  Once that is finished
and tested, we are planning to release the official Space Merchant 1.0 -
after a year of beta testing.

5.  MACE and Magellan update

M.A.C.E. and The Magellan Conflict will still not go into beta soon.
M.A.C.E. is suffering a delay.  Good news for The Magellan Conflict: we now
have a developer and we will be resuming coding soon.

6.  SharePlay plans

We are currently working on a new technical architecture for SharePlay that
would include a single login to all of our games.  We are also redesigning
the website, finally with the help of a graphic designer.  We hope to
release both of them sometime this fall.

Thank you for supporting SharePlay.  Special thanks to Space Merchant
players who helped with the redesign, and the players and Paladins of
Panumbra for their great support and the nice hand-made cards :)


Marta Gabnai
and the SharePlay team

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