Friday, October 11, 2013

Internet Archive Circa June 1998: Panumbra Servers Shut Down/Play Demo

From: :

The Panumbra server will be down on Wednesday and Friday June 24 and 26, from 6:45 - 8:15 pm CST due to performance testing on Space Merchant.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

Panumbra's current version is a demonstration of what is to come.  It is there for players to try, and give their feedback in an early stage of development, and help us to learn to do things better in the later versions.Please read the following paragraphs to avoid some common misconceptions:

The demo is the current version of Panumbra.  Don't look further - this is it!
The demo is NOT a full-featured role-playing game.   Currently it is pure monster hack-and-slash.  Items are coming in version 2.1, and only a small portion of the world is implemented, the mines around Montparsa.  Panumbra version 3.0 will contain all basic RPG elements when released.
Expect problems. The server is still unstable, there are lags and bugs.   Game balance is not perfect.  We are not addressing game balance issues in the demo, but we use the experience and feedback of players to improve later versions.
The demo is NOT a beta test.  We gather experience to make later versions better.  We need you to report the bugs, but we only fix them if they prevent people from playing, e.g. server crashes. Bugs which are not fixed immediately are fixed in the next scheduled release (this time version 2.1).
The demo is not supported outside of normal working hours.  Working hours:   Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm CST.    If the server goes down in the evening or on the weekend, next time someone will be able to restart it is the next working day at 11:00 am. 

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